King George V Post Box

  • 1whiting, King George’s

    2.RUSпятнистый силлагиноидm


  • 2King George (II)

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as 'King George' for his association with the American Revolution. The 'II' may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the 'first George') or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the 'second.'
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said 'I'm the decider' in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying 'My position is clear — I'm the commander guy.'
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the 'Teflon' nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to 'stick' to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого >King George (II)

  • 3King George (II)

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as 'King George' for his association with the American Revolution. The 'II' may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the 'first George') or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the 'second.'
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said 'I'm the decider' in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying 'My position is clear — I'm the commander guy.'
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the 'Teflon' nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to 'stick' to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого >King George (II)

  • 4King George Island

    География:(о.) Кинг-Джордж(Южные Шетландские о-ва, Атлантический ок., Антарктика)

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >King George Island

  • 5King George Islands

    о-ва Кинг-Джордж (о-ва Туамоту, Франция)

    Англо-русский географический словарь >King George Islands

  • 6King George's War

    Американское название войны за австрийское наследство, проходившей в Северной Америке в 1744-48, третья по счету война с французами и индейцами [ French and Indian wars]. В мае 1744 поселенцы-французы, узнав о войне в Европе, захватили английский королевский форт Аннаполис [ Annapolis, Fort Royal]. В свою очередь в 1745 английские отряды из Новой Англии [ New England] захватили французский форпост Луисбург. По договору, подписанному в Э-ля-Шапель [Treaty of Aix-la Chapelle] в 1748, был восстановлен довоенный статус-кво. В историю США эта война вошла под именем английского короля Георга II

    English-Russian dictionary of regional studies >King George's War

  • 7King George's Jubilee Trust

    'Юбиле́йный фонд короля́ Гео́рга' (благотворительная организация. Основана Георгом V в 1935 в ознаменование двадцатипятилетия правления; выдавала субсидии некоторым молодёжным организациям. В 1978 слилась с 'Юбилейным фондом королевы Елизаветы' [ Queen's Silver Jubilee Trust], образовав 'Королевские юбилейные фонды' [ Royal Jubilee Trusts])

    English-Russian Great Britain dictionary (Великобритания. Лингвострановедческий словарь) >King George's Jubilee Trust

  • 8King George Island

    о. Кинг-Джордж (Южные Шетландские о-ва, Атлантический ок., Антарктика)

    Англо-русский географический словарь >King George Island

  • 9whiting

    whiting(ихт) 1. мерланг, Odontogadus merlangus; 2. серебристый хек, Merluccius bilinearis; 3. plсиллаговые, Sillaginidae
    King George whitingпятнистая силлага, Sillaginoides punctatus
    New England whitingсеребристый хек, Merluccius bilinearis

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology >whiting

  • 10whiting, spotted

    2.RUSпятнистый силлагиноидm


  • 11Incurious George

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as 'King George' for his association with the American Revolution. The 'II' may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the 'first George') or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the 'second.'
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said 'I'm the decider' in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying 'My position is clear — I'm the commander guy.'
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the 'Teflon' nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to 'stick' to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого >Incurious George

  • 12Spurious George

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as 'King George' for his association with the American Revolution. The 'II' may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the 'first George') or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the 'second.'
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said 'I'm the decider' in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying 'My position is clear — I'm the commander guy.'
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the 'Teflon' nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to 'stick' to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого >Spurious George

  • 13Uncurious George

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as 'King George' for his association with the American Revolution. The 'II' may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the 'first George') or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the 'second.'
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said 'I'm the decider' in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying 'My position is clear — I'm the commander guy.'
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the 'Teflon' nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to 'stick' to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого >Uncurious George

  • 146748

    2.RUSпятнистый силлагиноидm


  • 15KG

    2) Спорт:King Of Games, King's Gambit
    4) Страхование:Height of the centre of gravity above the keel or above the molded base of a ship
    6) Сокращение:Kommanditgesellschaft(Germany), Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)
    8) Нефтегазовая техника(vertical center of gravity) вертикальный центр тяжести
    10) Имена и фамилии:King George

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >KG

  • 16KGV

    2) Имена и фамилии:King George V

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >KGV

  • 17KGVI

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >KGVI

  • 18kG

    2) Спорт:King Of Games, King's Gambit
    4) Страхование:Height of the centre of gravity above the keel or above the molded base of a ship
    6) Сокращение:Kommanditgesellschaft(Germany), Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)
    8) Нефтегазовая техника(vertical center of gravity) вертикальный центр тяжести
    10) Имена и фамилии:King George

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >kG

  • 19kg

    2) Спорт:King Of Games, King's Gambit
    4) Страхование:Height of the centre of gravity above the keel or above the molded base of a ship
    6) Сокращение:Kommanditgesellschaft(Germany), Kyrgyz Republic (Kyrgyzstan)
    8) Нефтегазовая техника(vertical center of gravity) вертикальный центр тяжести
    10) Имена и фамилии:King George

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь >kg

  • 2043

    Одна из кличек президента США Джорджа Буша (подробнее см. список кличек ниже)
    Dubya — From the Texan pronunciation of 'W', this originated as a family nickname to distinguish him from his father
    43 or Bush 43, Bush the Younger, Bush II, and Bush fils — All used to distinguish George W. Bush from George H.W. Bush
    The Shrub or simply Shrub — Coined by Molly Ivins. Bush Junior is notably smaller than his father, and a little bush is a shrub.
    Temporary — Bush's nickname in Skull and Bones, never altered by Bush
    King George (II) — Based on comparisons to George III of the United Kingdom, who is often known to Americans simply as 'King George' for his association with the American Revolution. The 'II' may refer either to Bush's being a successor (though not directly) to a father with the same name (the 'first George') or to a misconception that George III was the first English king with that name, thus making Bush the 'second.'
    Uncurious George or Incurious George or Spurious George — Comparing him with the monkey character Curious George
    AWOL Bush — Often rendered as aWol Bush: referring to an alleged period of unauthorized leave of absence by Bush during his Vietnam War service in the Texas National Guard
    The Decider and The Decider-In-Chief — Bush said 'I'm the decider' in remarks about Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld on April 18, 2006
    The Commander Guy — Bush gave himself this nickname on May 2, 2007, saying 'My position is clear — I'm the commander guy.'
    The Leaker-in-Chief — In April, 2006, former White House official Lewis Libby claimed that President Bush had authorized him to leak from an intelligence document about Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq
    The Velcro President — A contrast to the 'Teflon' nicknames given to Reagan and Clinton; most scandals appear to 'stick' to Bush.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого >43

King George V Post Box

On offer is this lovely collectable match box holder. Its in good well loved condition, the metal has rusted and there is ware to the decoration but it is still a decorative presentable item. It has a rectangular shape and made from metal. Both sides have been decorated with a portrait of King. The King George Post Box Slim In Black. Normal Price: £269.99. Sale Price: £215.99. Made to Order Buy Now. FREE DELIVERY. Red King George Rex Post Box Front. Normal Price: £169.99. Sale Price: £135.99. Enter: March 18, 2021 Charles V. Mason Clerk I ask for this: John J. Billingsley Attorney at Law P.O. Box 101 King George, Va. 22485 540-775-3133 540-775-2798 fax Va. George V was King of the United Kingdom and the British Dominions, and Emperor of India. 1927 George V Silver Proof Set (6 Coins) in Original Issue Box.

Страницы BoxGeorge
  • 1

См. также в других словарях:

PostKing George V Post Box
  • King George whiting — Taxobox name = King George whiting image width = 210 px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes subordo = Percoidei superfamilia = Percoidea familia = Sillaginidae genus = Sillaginodes genus authority =… … Wikipedia

  • King George whiting — noun (plural King George whiting or King George whitings) a coastal marine food and sportfish, Sillaginodes punctatus, with an elongate shape and spots on its body; endemic to Australia and distributed along its southern coast from above Perth to … Australian-English dictionary

  • King George Sound — is the name of a sound on the south coast of Western Australia. Located at coord|35|02|S|117|56|E,cite web | title = King George Sound | url = | work = [ Gazetteer of… … Wikipedia

  • King George’s whiting — australinis šviesešeris statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas taksono rangas rūšis atitikmenys: lot. Sillaginoides punctatus angl. King George’s whiting; spotted whiting rus. пятнистый силлагиноид ryšiai: platesnis terminas – didieji… … Žuvų pavadinimų žodynas

  • Whiting (fish) (disambiguation) — A number of Actinopterygiian fish have been given the common name whiting.Gadiformes (Cod like)* The fish originally known by the name whiting in English is Merlangius merlangus , in the family Gadidae. This species inhabits the east Atlantic… … Wikipedia

  • George Bruce Cortelyou — (1862–1940) George Bruce Cortelyou (* 26. Juli 1862 in New York City; † 23. Oktober 1940 auf Long Island, New York) war ein US amerikanischer republikanischer Politik … Deutsch Wikipedia

  • George B. Cortelyou — George Bruce Cortelyou George Bruce Cortelyou, né le 26 juillet 1862 et mort le 23 octobre 1940, est un homme politique américain, membre du Parti républicain. Il est successivement inspecteur des postes de New York, secrétaire particulier du… … Wikipédia en Français

  • Southern school whiting — Taxobox name = Southern school whiting status = LC image width = 240 px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes subordo = Percoidei superfamilia = Percoidea familia = Sillaginidae genus = Sillago species =… … Wikipedia

  • Yellowfin whiting — Taxobox name = Yellowfin whiting status = LC image width = 240px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes subordo = Percoidei superfamilia = Percoidea familia = Sillaginidae genus = Sillago species = S.… … Wikipedia

  • Sand whiting — Taxobox name = Sand whiting status = LC image width = 240 px regnum = Animalia phylum = Chordata classis = Actinopterygii ordo = Perciformes subordo = Percoidei superfamilia = Percoidea familia = Sillaginidae genus = Sillago species = S. ciliata… … Wikipedia

  • Nathan Whiting — (4 May 1724, Windham, Connecticut – 9 April 1771) was a soldier and merchant in Colonial America. Biography Whiting s parents died while he was a child, and he was raised by father s sister Mary and her husband, Reverend Thomas Clap. Whiting… … Wikipedia


King George V Post Box Office

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King George V Of Uk