Mac Os 10.14 Mojave

MojaveMac os 10.14 mojaveMojave
  • Latest version: 1.6.2
  • Release date: 28 Oct 2019

  • Source package:xcrysden-1.6.2.tar.gz

  • Linux x86_64 binary packages (64bit):
    • Shared: xcrysden-1.6.2-linux_x86_64-shared.tar.gz
      • Requires:,,,,,,,,, ...
      • Recommends: ImageMagick, OpenBabel
      • On Debian-based systems these can be installed with:
  • Mac OS binary packages:
    (compiled on macOS Mojave 10.14)
    • Shared: xcrysden-1.6.2-macosx-shared.tar.gz
      • Requires the following MacPorts libraries:libtcl8.6.dylib, libtk8.6.dylib, libGL.1.dylib, libGLU.1.dylib,libX11.6.dylib, libXmu.6.dylib, libfftw3.3.dylib
      • Recommends: ImageMagick, OpenBabel
      • These can be installed with:
  • Mac OS MacPorts and Fink packages:

  • Windows - WSL binarypackage:
    (WSL = Windows Subsytem for Linux)
    • Shared: xcrysden-1.6.2-windows-wsl.tar.gz(Courtesy of Matic Poberznik)
      • Compiled under WSL(Ubuntu 18.04 LTS) @ Windows 10
      • Requires: XMing (
        (make sure to define the DISPLAY enviromental variable,i.e., export DISPLAY=:0 )
      • Depends on: tk, libglu1-mesa, libtogl2, libfftw3-3,libxmu6, libgfortran4
      • Recommends: ImageMagick, OpenBabel
      • These packages can be installed with:
  • Windows - Cygwin64 binarypackage:
    • Shared: xcrysden-1.6.2-cygwin.tar.gz(Courtesy of Matic Poberznik)
      • Compiled under x86_64 cygwin (CYGWIN_NT-10.0) @ Windows10
      • Requires: Cygwin, XMing(
        • make sure to define the DISPLAY enviromental variable,i.e., export DISPLAY=:0
        • also define export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib
      • Depends on: tcl-tk8.6, tcl-togl, ImageMagick, xinit, mesa,libGLU1, libfftw3_3, libgfortran4. These packages can beinstalled with apt-cyg packagemanager. For the full list of required packages, see the fileREADME.cygwin inside the tarball.

How To Encrypt A Folder In Mac Os 10.14 Mojave

Now that Apple has release Mac OS X 10.15 Catalina, it is difficult to find and download Mojave on the Mac App Store. If you try to do a search for it, nothi. Nov 19, 2019 In this article, we will show you how to downgrade your Mac from Mojave to a previous operating system. While Macs that ship with Mojave cannot be downgraded, any Mac which can upgrade to Mojave can be erased and have its macOS reinstalled. Follow the steps below to back up your Mac, erase the startup disk, and then reinstall macOS.