Ssh Umask

Ssh Umask

  1. Umask 0002
  2. Scp Umask

Umask 0002

I have (2) samba servers running (debian Lenny/samba 3.5.6/openssh 5.5p1). I need a way for remote users to have access to the shared data (0777 permissions).
We were using WinSCP, but it does not allow drive-mapping in windows. It worked with only one or two remote users, but does not really fit the bill for a rollout to 10 - 12 remote users.
I found a piece of software called ExpanDrive, which uses an ssh connection, maps it to a windows drive, and then does transfers via sftp protocol. The only issue is that ANY time a remote user writes to a file it gets permissions of 0644. I have been trying to force the umask to 0000, which (I believe) would give 0777.
I have tried setting the umask in /etc/ssh/sshd_config with:
Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server -u 0000
This has no effect.
I have also tried setting it in PAM by adding:
session optional umask=0000
to /etc/pam.s/sshd. Still no change.
I have been trying to get this to work for a few weeks, and have tried virtually everything I can find, all without success. The software vendor for ExpanDrive has been no help - they are more on the Windows side of things. I have read so many posts on this issue my head is spinning.
Everyone that needs access are on windows based machines. Any suggestions on where else to look would be greatly appreciated!

Scp Umask

What I normally do, is to ssh to the server (thus opening a login shell) and execute the command manually with umask value set to 0007 (umask 0007 is included in.bashprofile of the remote server, and is thus the default value for the login shell). Assume the command is called some-command. So it should be possible to set a per-user umask for user someuser in the GECOS field, for example using. Sudo chfn -o umask=0444 someuser and then either setting umask=0022 in the pamumask entry in /etc/pam.d/sshd file - or perhaps better, omit the umask= there altogether so that other users fall back to the umask specified in the default files. Ps4 remote play box online.