Homebrew Wget

This brief guide will take you step by step through the process of installing wget in macOS.


Homebrew is a package manager designed for Mac that is useful to install. You will find that you can utilize Homebrew for data science as it makes it a lot easier to install additional technologies on Mac such as Apache Spark and the software Graphviz. With that, let’s get started. Install Command Line Tools.

  • Mac 通过 Homebrew 安装 wget. 在 mac 上安装 wget 推荐使用 Homebrew 来进行安装,简单方便,只需要两步即可完成.
  • For most Mac users, they’ll likely want to simply install Homebrew first and then get wget, simply because Homebrew makes command line package management incredibly easy and there’s no manual building and compiling of source code necessary.
  • — Using the macOS Terminal. To access the command line interface on your Mac, you’ll use the.

FYI – this guide could just as easily be called “how to install Linux Apps in macOS” – as there are a slew Friday night funkin free download pc. of *nix programs that have been ported to work via Homebrew.

With Homebrew, the “missing package manager for macOS” (more info here), you can easily install wget in macOS with just a few Terminal commands. Even better, Homebrew itself is just as easy to install. Here goes –

Uninstall Wget Homebrew

Install Homebrew

  1. Go to Applications ->Utilities and double-click Terminal. Then copy and paste the following command into Terminal and hit return (Enter) on your keyboard:

/usr/bin/ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)'

Homebrew WgetWget
  1. In all likelihood you’ll see the line The Xcode Command Line Tools will be installed. Hit the return key on your keyboard to continue.
  2. Enter your macOS password when prompted.
  3. Sit back and wait. Don’t worry if nothing seems to be happening while the software installs, just give it a bit of time.
  4. Once the installation has completed you’ll be back at the Terminal prompt. Keep it open, we’ll be using it in the next section too.

Install wget in macOS

  1. Now that you have Homebrew installed, it’s time to install wget. To do so, enter the command:

    How to add google account without syncing contacts. brew install wget Ps4 remote play ipad controller.

  2. Once again just sit back and wait. Installing wget will take less time than it did to install Homebrew, so don’t go too far away.
  3. Once again you’ll be back at the macOS Terminal prompt.
  4. Now type wget to make sure everything went smoothly.
  5. If you need a refresher on using wget, we’ve got you covered with a guide on using wget. You can also read the manual for wget by entering the command man wget
  6. Enjoy!

Brew Install Wget


Homebrew Brew Wget

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